Thursday, October 24, 2013

Language and life

Hello again everybody! So once again I just have had a fairly normal week. Things are still a little bit hectic with my school and I am really hoping that soon they settle down to a steady schedule soon. I´m starting to re-consider how often exactly I will write in here, because I have finally started to settle into a normal sort of life. I´m not off doing something totally crazy and new every weekend, I am just living and loving the spanish life. I saw my clock on the blog and it was just...shocking to see how long I have been here. It doesn't exactly feel like I'm still in the first 4 weeks, but its hard to believe it has been that long. One cool thing that I can tell you about is that we had a nation wide strike today where nobody goes to school! So I got a day off and it was awesome. I find it pretty cool that there is a national skip school day every year. And the parents are fine with it because they know the teachers don't teach class on that day because nobody is there! Also for some schools (not mine sadly) tomorrow is a day off. This is a classic example of the mindset, we just had a strike and skipped school, slept in and did nothing. We need a break. No school tomorrow! I find it hilarious and awesome! This weekend I plan on going paintballing with my host brother Mario and his friends so that should be a fun/terrifying and painful expierience.

So with the language I have really started to realize how easy it has became for me. I can think in spanish most of the time and have few or no problems with speaking. However whenever I feel like I am doing really good with the language I go somewhere and proceed to understand nothing, and act like I know nothing. Then someone tries to help me out by speaking english and that reminds me that I can´t even speak very good english anymore D: However everything is going pretty smoothly and it is. I can go to the movies and understand (thank goodness the next hunger games comes out soon) And I am just incredibly pleased with how it is all going for me.

Yesterday was the 2 month mark for me. This has the best 2 months of my life. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who made this happen. It is indescribable the expierience. I could never be able to accurately put it in words what it has ment to me, and how amazing it all is. Thank you all so very much!!!

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