Tuesday, October 8, 2013

An Overload of Awesome.

So, as the title of this post kinda hints, this last period of time since I last posted has been awesome. Now I am going to proceed to totally skip over most of it, and start with Friday.

Friday was a pretty normal friday (pretty awesome I know) minus the fact that this was the semana azul at my my school. That means, blue week. All week long there had been activities having to do with water for the various age groups of kids. The activities were optional, but due to the fact that mine was awesome I signed up. I was in the last group on Friday. The activity for Primero de Bachiller (my grade) was scuba diving. During the second break of the day me and the 8 other students who had signed up for it got to leave. We took the bus across the city, then walked a bit. We got suited up in wetsuits, jackets, boots, flippers, goggles, the whole thing. We all piled into a car and drove just a little ways to some docks where we got weight belts and air tanks. We then assembled everything and loaded into a boat and headed out to sea. I figured we would be diving at Mouro as that is a fairly popular spot. But, it turns out we would be diving at a spot just off the coast near El Palicio de Magdalenas (a palace the royal family had built way back when cause they liked coming here). Once there we got some talks about with the respirators and goggles and what to do if you get water in either or various things. Then gear on and down we go. We went down to the sea floor in a sandy patch. We all got in a circle and did a few basic things, practicing taking out your respirator and putting it back in, getting your goggles filled partly with water and getting it out. Then off we went. It was amazing. We were 10-12m under. Their were huge rocks in the water here, and patches of sand. In the plates of rocks there were sometimes cracks. We would swim through these cracks like a giant maze. Sometimes they were thinner at a certain point, and you could swim beneath that. It basically made super awesome underwater tunnels. It´s a totally diferent world down there. Fish swim all around you. I saw so much wildlife. I saw fish of all sizes, shapes, colors. 2 of the most exciting things were a seeing a scorpion fish, and an octopus. First the teacher pointed out the octopus then swam after it. it was a purple octopus, fairly large. He grabbed it, and it squirmed around and shot ink everywhere which looked cool underwater. Then it got away, so I grabbed it but it shot ink again, so I let it go. It was so cool. Then later as we swam over a crevice the teacher pointed out a scorpion fish on the bottom. It was fairly large, and it was really cool to see what decided to sting me way back when. Overall it was just indescrible. It was so amazing and I think I have a new hobby. I loved it so much and I really would like to go again.

Moving on to Saturday and Sunday, we had a trip to the mountains to listen to the deer or something (city people hobbies). We were up in the middle of nowhere, in a cabin used sometimes by sheperds to stay in while they chase cows around the mountains. I wasn´t extremely impressed by the deer, however the mountains were incredible. I´m not going to write too much about them but it was amazing. I summitted 3 peaks in 24 hours, and saw some just breath taking views. On the first day we ate lunch just below a peak, so I was eating above the clouds, and for a bit of the meal, in them. Some of the mountains were over 2500m in altitude, so they weren´t tiny sissy mountains either. Now enjoy the pictures, and thanks for reading :)
The group for scuba


Jumpin spot

Cabin was the one in the middle

Halfway up

I´m in a cloud!

In a cloud again!!

At the peak

Don´t let the pretty colors fool you all of that was thistle type plants :(

From another peak

Another view from a peak

A little stream

One of the sort of peaks I climbed

Yes we were up at the very top

The cabin and the group

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