Sunday, February 23, 2014

6 months and skiing!

Hey everybody! First off I am really sorry about the massive delay in writing this, I have a ton of boring and actually valid excuses as to why it has taken so long, but instead I´ll skip them and get right back to telling you all what I have been up to.

So over the last month and the half there have definately been some incredible moments and times. Unfortunately I cant just write in here "oh went to the gym today great day" because then you all will die of boredom. So for the most part it has just been exchanger life for me. The language is just fine now, I know the city and my culture fairly well. I´m doin fine. So now you guys know I´m alive.

Now the interesting topic of this post was the ski trip I did two weeks ago. 24 other students from my school and I grouped up with 25 students from a school in Torrelavega, a nearby city in Cantabria. We were all my age, or most 1 year younger. We went with our P.E. departments. So it all started when we met outside my school at 6:45am on a sunday. At about 7 a bus arrived, and we loaded all our stuff in and got on. The kids from the other highschool were already on. We didnt know any of them. I unfortunately got a seat near the back far from those from my school (no spare seats). They then proceeded to yell and be noisey as heck. THE. WHOLE. TIME. We drove until probably 4pm stopping several times for an hour or half hour. We arrived at the village where we were staying then. The rest of the day was spent renting stuff, listening to boring talks about why not to loose your ski pass or break your face on a tree or something stupid like that. The next day we got up at about 7:30 and went to breakfast, then you went back to your room and got ready. The bus up to the resort left at about 8:45 and took about 10 minutes. This was the schedule for every day. So we got up there and headed up. We got to take a warmup run and then lessons started at 10. Now probably 40 of the 50 kids had never skiid or snowboarded in their life. Lessons were obligatory sadly, and I was naturally put in the advanced group since I have been doin this for 11 years. Luckly we had a pretty cool teacher, he kinda just pointed me in a direction and then saw me later. He showed me a ton of awesome places to go throughout the week. Lessons ended at 12 every day, then you could go for runs if you with a group and then lunch started at 1. We would ski till 4:30 every day. Then the bus took us back down and you had break time until 6:30 when there was some sort of activity every day like soccer or pingpong. Normal stuff. At 8 we went back to the hotel, and its break time again until 8:45 when dinner starts. Then break until 10:30 when we went to a disco rented out for us. The disco was a ton of fun. For the first few days it was a lot of people standing around and being weird and not wanting to dance. Not meeee! So I tried to draw more and more people into it. Everyone quickly knew me and recognized my face by tuesday. Then they learned I was the experienced snowboarder here. And they all became great friends. Im really proud of everyone comming out of their shells by friday, almost everyone was dancing when we left. Then at 12:30 we went back to the hotel, sleep. Repeat. So that was the schedule. I had the time of my life the whole time. We had fantastic snow at certain points, and other times when it wasnt so great. On thursday I was awarded best snowboard, and Mr of the camp (kinda like king or something) and for that I got a shiny medal, a paper with my name spelled wrong then corrected but still spelled wrong, and a really nice new backpack. Friday night we left and we got in late. It was a unforgettable trip and I cannot stop saying how much fun it was. A shout out to the people at the shop who we rented from, I talked to them a bit then they hooked me up with an awesome board and bindings, they let me set them up too. Oh! The casualty count for the trip goes as follows: One broken shoulder, One broken knee, One broken wrist, andddd for one of my roomates, a broken collar bone. So quick recovery to them, and those are the major injuries of the trip.

In other news, today is Jonahs 6 month mark in Spain! Im not going to write a huge thing about how amazing it is, because no words in any language can do this experience justice. Its the best! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen, supported me, and that I met along the way.

Other other shenanigans, I have recently signed up for a half marathon put on by my city for march 9th so that will be oodles of fun! There isn´t much goin on. If you would like to know more you can email me at or if there is a question about spain or something else youd like to see in the blog. I have started up instagram again, so here is a link to that, but its mainly goofy stuff.

So thank you all very much for reading! See you all in a while!!

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