Monday, September 9, 2013

2 Weeks In

So, I´m a bit past 2 weeks here in Spain.  It has all been so incredible. This week has been slightly more calm. We haven´t gone to the beach as much, and the weather is worse. In fact right now it is continuing its 36 hour streak of raining.  Early in the week we did go back out to Mouro (aka my favorite place ever). Mouro is the small lighthouse island out in the bay that I visited on my first day here. We swam around a bit more, but there were lots of divers so we left and went to a beach. The next day, we got the boat again, and dropped my host mom off at the beach, then, I learned to sail! I have gone sailing before but I never really learned how to do a ton of it, or why we did what we did. Me and my host dad spent large amounts of time sailing around. I learned tons, and it was so much fun.  Unfortunately the camera that I bought arrived the day after all of these fun adventures. So I don´t have many pictures. I did buy a camera, I quickly realized that my smartphones camera was not good enough to capture all the incredible views here. Also this camera that I bought is (to my knowledge) impervious to just about everything short of being strapped to a bomb, then eaten by a shark flying into an active volcano. So I can get some pretty cool underwater photos on here hopefully. There were some cool things, I went for a bike ride with my host dad through some of the surrounding area. I saw my host dad try flyboarding! And my host family says I can try it next time too!There isn´t much else to tell about this week. No venomous fish stinging my feet. None of that stuff. I have just been walking around, experiencing the culture, and learning the city. And it has been an awesome week. Today I will present to my Rotary here for the first time, so thats a little bit nerve racking but it will all go good. The language has gotten 10,000x easier then when I initially arrived. Thats really all I have to write about, now for some pictures. (Note, yes strapping a bomb to my camera and having eaten by a shark that is flying into a volcano is a Despicable Me 2 reference.) Also, Sorry about the delay in posting, I have been having tech difficulties.
A plaza in the city

I want to put a jar of Nutella in his hand


My host dad flyboarding!

A part of the beach

A great view over a bay

The sea near El Virgen del Mar

Some more ocean

Flags ceremony for a giant sailing competition santander is hosting

Part of Santander at night

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